Technology used:
- JavaFX
This project is a computer recreation of the classic card game Egyptian Ratscrew. The github repo can be found here.
The front faces of cards of the game are meant to resemble those of a standard Bicycle deck. The general gameplay and interface of this Egyptian Ratscrew game is as follows:
- Labels at the top contain the number of cards in each player’s pile and the number of wins each player has.
- Cards are randomly dealt face-down to the players, so when the game starts, the cards in the left and right piles should have been randomly shuffled.
- This game has the additional feature of weighted deals, in which in rematches between players, the player with fewer wins is more likely to receive more court cards than the other.
- The label at the top center tracks whose turn it is and what action that player should take.
- The players use key input to play the game.
- The left player uses the “w” key to place and burn cards, depending on what action the prompt label displays. In two-player mode, the right player uses the up arrow key to do this.
- The left player uses the “s” key to collect and slap the center pile (when the current action is to collect, the player collects, and otherwise, the player slaps). In two-player mode, the right player uses the down-arrow key to do this.
- In single player mode, a bot controls the right player making moves and slapping with a delay.
- The start screen of the game has options for customization of the game before it starts.